Fan allegedly attacks Rihanna for getting back together with Chris Brown


Monday 18 February 2013 11:56 GMT
(Getty Images)

Rihanna was allegedly assaulted yesterday by a man who was angry about her relationship with Chris Brown.

A witness apparently said the man threw a bottle of Lucozade, while shouting about rekindling her relationship with Brown - following his assault of the popstar on the eve of the 2009 Grammy Awards.

Rihanna, who was celebrating unveiling her new collection for River Island, now apparently has a cut on her leg from the attack.

It's not the only time a fan has felt far too involved with a celebrity relationship, and it's certainly not the first time Chris Brown has found himself in a brawl.

It was only last week he snubbed Frank Ocean at the Grammys, following a feud between the two, when Ocean accused Brown of allegedly punching him and said he was called a 'faggot' by a member of Brown's entourage.

Brown was also allegedly threatened by a gang member from Crips earlier this week, who asked if his Lamborghini was bullet-proof. And this is all in space of a week.

The old saying goes that all press is good press - but when it comes to Chris Brown it's all drama, drama, drama. Perhaps he should think about getting his own reality show? The PR does itself...

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