Leading article: Don't compromise Amy Winehouse's artistic legacy

Tuesday 01 November 2011 01:00 GMT

Were Amy Winehouse still alive, would she be releasing an album in a month's time consisting mostly of previously unreleased tracks and alternative versions of old songs? We'll never know, but it seems unlikely.

The keenness of her record label to maximise the value of an artist whose early death robbed them, and the world, of a phenomenal talent is understandable. The project has the backing of Winehouse's father, and a donation of a pound from every sale will go towards the charity he has set up in her name.

Mitch Winehouse says that if her family had felt that the album wasn't up to the standard of her two previous ones, they wouldn't be putting it out. Well, the record-buyers will be the judges of that. It would certainly be a shame if Winehouse's artistic legacy was compromised by material over which she did not have final control.

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