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My Life In Travel: Lisa Snowdon, model and presenter

'Bali turned out to be a pretty magical trip'

Saturday 13 August 2011 00:00 BST
(Getty Images)

First holiday memory?

Cornwall. I remember it because it was the time of Charles and Diana's wedding in 1981. We were beside the seaside, it was really good weather, but we were obsessed with watching the TV.

Best holiday?

Bali. It was absolutely stunning from the start: exotic flowers, amazing cuisine and the kindness of the people. We stayed in Seminyak in the south, near the beach, and then travelled north to Ubud through all these small, traditional villages.

Favourite place in the British Isles?

The Isle of Skye. I went there on a photoshoot with work. It's a couple of trains and planes away. But once you arrive, it's completely worth it. Rural landscape as far as the eye can see, slightly wild weather, but stunning. I ate lots of seafood and tried haggis for the first time, which I wasn't keen on.

What have you learnt from your travels?

I'd like to visit more places in the UK. I must be the only person who hasn't been to the Cotswolds, and I've also just read David Nicholls' book One Day, so I'm keen to follow in Dexter and Emma's footsteps to visit Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh.

Ideal travelling companion?

I'm quite good on my own, but I've also had some good holidays with my friend Zoe. We've been to India, South Africa, Barbados, Antigua and lots more exotic places together. India was amazing – because Zoe had been before, she showed me around. I get a bit stressed with things, but she's a great companion and a calming influence.

Beach bum, culture vultureor adrenalin junkie?

Having a couple of full days on the beach to relax is heavenly. But, equally, I like to see the sights. I visited the Turks and Caicos and, although there aren't too many cultural sights, I got to see all these amazing houses: both Donna Karan and Bruce Willis have places there.

Greatest travel luxury?

Turning left on the plane. I've collected a few airmiles over the years, so treating myself to an upgrade sometimes is a nice start to a holiday.

Holiday reading?

I like steaming through something that's very easy to read. I recently finished From London with Love by Jemma Forte on my most recent trip, which was fun and made me giggle.

Where has seduced you?

Bali. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel, but it turned out to be a pretty magical trip. I went with both my sisters, and noneof us had been before. It was amazing to experience somewhere so exotic with fresh eyes.

Better to travel or arrive?

Arrive. Although I do like travelling, too. There's something quite nice about being suspended with your thoughts and not knowing where you are in the world. I sometimes feel quiteemotional on planes in that limbo of being away from people you know, but also with the prospect of heading somewhere new.

Worst travel experience?

Bangkok. I visited with a friend and we hadn't booked any accommodation. At the airport, there were all these people waiting with glossy brochures of places to stay. We booked one, but the photo must have been taken about 50 years previously. We dumped our bags and went out to explore Bangkok. When we got back in the evening, there were cockroaches everywhere. It was horrific.

Best hotel?

Parrot Cay in the Turks & Caicos. They have all these villas right on the beach with little outdoor plunge pools. You're surrounded by crystal clear, turquoise water and they have the most delicious food.

Favourite walk?

The countryside near Broxbourne in Hertfordshire holds lots of good memories of walking with my family and the dogs.

Best meal abroad?

Restaurant Gastronomique at the Hôtel Le Bristol in Paris. They serve an eight-course dinner menu – it's completely decadent. I ate everything from lamb to langoustines, each matched with amazing wine. It's nice to have a blow out.

Dream trip?

A safari in the middle of nowhere. Sleeping in a tent under the stars and seeing the Big Five would be a really special experience.

Favourite city?

London. Lots of people would probably disagree, but I just think it's a fantastic place to come home to, especially in summer.

Where next?

I'm visiting friends near Brive-la-Gaillarde. They have this amazing old château in the Dordogne. I'm flying out on a Friday after my radio show. We'll lie by the pool, have barbecues at night, drink great wine and generally be very French for a few days.

Lisa Snowdon has launched Premier Inn's guide to alternative hidden gems in the UK:

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