Helen George on Madeira, Borneo, midwives in America, and her life in travel

'People say Madeira has an old vibe, but I love it'

Chloe Hamilton
Friday 27 November 2015 11:50 GMT
Helen George
Helen George

Walt Disney World was my dream holiday as a five-year-old.

I always wanted to go to America. We drove all around Florida and I just remember huge portions of food – I thought it was the most incredible thing in the world. I couldn't understand how I could travel through so many places and still be in America.

My camper van had to be towed from London to Portsmouth.

I hate being in tents so when we went to the Isle of Wight Festival we took a camper, which was the coolest thing. On our way there my mate drove over the central reservation and a tyre burst so we had to be towed and only just got there in time for the ferry.

Uber has changed Los Angeles.

There are things in LA that I love but I hate that you can't really walk around. Uber over there is very cheap. It's a significant thing because cab culture isn't really there in LA so if, like me, you don't drive you are stranded. LA has everything you need: sea, mountains, desert. But they don't lounge around at dinner. As soon as you finish your meal, the bill is put on your table and I fundamentally struggle with that. I think: “Where is my Irish coffee?”

Treasure island: Helen was surprised by Madeira
Treasure island: Helen was surprised by Madeira (Francisco Correia)

Lots of Americans don't really know what a midwife is.

Doctors deliver babies and a midwife is a quite old-fashioned thing. But the fashion is becoming more midwife-led. When we went to New York to promote the series we had a huge reaction. We did a press conference and about 700 midwives turned up. It was hugely gratifying.

New York is my favourite city.

I've only been once, and that was to work, but I absolutely loved it, especially around this time of the year.

London is so romantic around now.

When it's just starting to get a bit grey and you see everybody wearing wool for the first time. I always get excited.

I once had food poisoning on a flight to Borneo.

I was going to my sister's wedding there. I got on at Heathrow, the plane took off, and I was violently sick all over myself. I spent the entire flight in the toilet, it was horrific. My mum thought she was going to have to ask the plane to land because it was just so awful. I was a bit battered and bruised when I arrived at the wedding.

Madeira surprised me.

It has a reputation for having quite a safe and slightly older vibe but when I got there I absolutely loved it. It was so beautiful. I travelled out into the hills and there were the most amazing tropical flowers everywhere. It has really great restaurants and bars. Although while there I ate a dish which was cod and banana together. It just doesn't go. Really odd.

Prieuré d'Orsan is Eden.

It's in the middle of France and it's the best hotel I've ever stayed in. It's the most incredible 16th-century monastery that's been converted into a hotel by the owner and his wife. They have just a few bedrooms, and gardens that you can look around. It's so peaceful and they grow the hugest pumpkins and courgettes, the flowers are incredible, and there is no traffic. It's a really special place.

I once spent New Year's Eve at Le Meurice in Paris.

There was free-flowing vintage Dom Perignon. It was pretty special.

Sue Perkins might be the next Michael Palin.

I'd like to go travelling with her, I think she's great.

Helen George stars in Call the Midwife, which returns with a Christmas special in December and Series 5 in early 2016. She is also on Strictly Come Dancing

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