The cheapest cities to book a five-star hotel

Bag some luxury for less at these low-cost destinations

Helen Coffey
Thursday 17 January 2019 15:28 GMT
Antalya offers the cheapest five stars
Antalya offers the cheapest five stars (Getty Images)

Antalya in Turkey is the cheapest city in the world for five-star accommodation, according to new research.

The cheapest top-tier hotel in the coastal destination costs from just $39.62 (£31) per night, according to online travel agent Globehunters, which compared over 170 destinations around the world using data from Price of Travel to compile its five-star index.

The city is popular with holidaymakers, acting as the gateway to Turkey’s southern Mediterranean region, known as the Turquoise Coast. It also has Roman remains, including Hadrian’s Gate, built to honour the Roman emperor’s visit in 130AD, and Hidirlik Tower dating from the 2nd century.

Antalya was followed by Mexico City, from $41.38 (£32); Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh, at $50.51 (£39); and Kiev in Ukraine, from $51.23 (£40).

Globehunters’ study highlighted the top 20 cheapest cities for five-star hotels and the 20 most expensive.

North American destinations seemed to be the worst offenders, with four of the five priciest cities all located in the US.

San Francisco was deemed the most expensive, with the cheapest five-star costing $554.64 (£429) per night. Boston slid into second place at $539.79 (£418), then Kyoto, Japan, at $534.17 (£413) and New York City at $469.59 (£363), with Los Angeles completing the top five at $445.69 (£345).

That represents a difference of $515 (£399) between the cheapest and costliest five-star hotels.

20 cheapest cities for five-star hotels

  1. Atalya, Turkey
  2. Mexico City, Mexico
  3. Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
  4. Kiev, Ukraine
  5. Siem Reap (Angkor Wat), Cambodia
  6. Fez, Morocco
  7. Santa Ana, El Salvador
  8. Delhi, India
  9. Guilin, China
  10. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  11. Manila, Philippines
  12. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  13. Beijing, China
  14. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  15. Vientiane, Laos
  16. Hue, Vietnam
  17. Bangkok, Thailand
  18. Moscow, Russia
  19. Goa, India
  20. Dubai, UAE
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20 priciest cities for five-star hotels

  1. San Francisco, USA
  2. Boston, USA
  3. Kyoto, Japan
  4. New York City, USA
  5. Los Angeles, USA
  6. Honolulu, USA
  7. Montreal, Canada
  8. Monaco, Monaco
  9. Venice, Italy
  10. Washington D.C., USA
  11. Chicago, USA
  12. Interlaken, Switzerland
  13. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  14. Bruges, Belgium
  15. Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
  16. Singapore, Singapore
  17. Toronto, Canada
  18. Miami Beach, USA
  19. Cusco (Machu Picchu), Peru
  20. Zurich, Switzerland

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