SW19 Diary: Fergie still quick off the mark

Robin Scott-Elliot
Wednesday 03 July 2013 23:26 BST

En route to his place in the royal box, an uber-tanned Sir Alex Ferguson was asked if he had "any words for the Spanish press?" "Yes," replied the multi-lingual Scot, "adios." Smart but not in the razor-sharp class of Gordon Strachan, who used to be a Ferguson protégé before becoming a Ferguson irritant. Strachan was once asked for a quick word and volleyed back the instant response "velocity".

Djokovic marked closely by Vidic

Ferguson was joined in the royal box by the Manchester United captain Nemanja Vidic – the two sat together to watch Andy Murray's match – but not before the Serb had made a dash to Court One to see his fellow countryman Novak Djokovic. "I was delighted to see him," said Djokovic. "It's the first time he actually came to watch me. I've watched him before in the national team a few times."

Summer games go into injury time

Who is going to come out top on the ouch-ometer in what is becoming a summer pain game? Take your pick from Geraint Thomas and his cracked pelvis in the Tour de France, Tommy Bowe and his broken hand with the Lions, or the new contender Juan "One leg" del Potro, who described his spectacular and painful looking fall in the opening game of his quarter-final as being like a "soccer player" taking a dive.

McEnroe suffers Juan big blow

Del Potro's continued presence in the tournament is a blow to John McEnroe, who struggled to get to grips with the Argentine's name throughout his commentary stint for the BBC. We had Del Powto, Del Poccho, Del Poutro and at one point Juan became John – much to John's own exasperation.

Weather watch

Starting overcast and dry, brightening up in the afternoon.Maximum temp 23C.

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