Russian hockey team Izhstal Izhevsk awards AK-47 to best player of match

Goaltender Saveli Kononov was rewarded for his fine performance with a brand new assault rifle

Adam Hamdani
Friday 13 September 2019 09:30 BST
Russian hockey player awarded AK-47 for good game performance

In team sports the world over, the player of the match is often awarded some kind of prize from their efforts, ranging from a nondescript small plastic trophy (the Premier League) to a celebratory bottle of champagne (the County Championship).

But Russian ice hockey team Izhstal Izhevsk do things a little bit differently.

After their recent victory over Chelmet in the second-tier VHL, the club rewarded the performance of goaltender Saveli Kononov with a brand new AK-47 assault rifle.

Kononov stopped 36 of the 38 shots he faced during the match, and was afterwards presented with his new gun in the team’s dressing room.

Kononov posed happily with his prize – although other players seemed rather less sure of the club’s new prize giving policy.

Saveli Kononov poses with his prize
Saveli Kononov poses with his prize (Getty)

“If we play poorly, they will shoot us,” one player joked, according to the Russian news service Pravda.

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