Eddie Heath: Chelsea issue apology over former chief scout’s ‘prolific’ child sexual abuse

Chelsea’s statement follows the publication of an external review into the club’s historic sexual abuse, which also accused former assistant manager Dario Gradi of failing to inform club staff about Heath’s conduct

Samuel Lovett
Tuesday 06 August 2019 13:39 BST
The Chelsea board branded Heath's conduct “beyond reprehensible”
The Chelsea board branded Heath's conduct “beyond reprehensible” (Getty)

Chelsea have apologised “unreservedly” after an external review into non-recent sexual abuse at the club found that a “prolific and manipulative sexual abuser” targeted young footballers for a number of years and was able to operate “unchallenged”.

Former chief scout Eddie Heath groomed and abused young boys aged between 10 and 17 during the 1970s, with the Chelsea board branding his conduct “beyond reprehensible”. The club also admitted that Heath’s “abuse was able to occur unchallenged”.

It’s feared Heath preyed on more than 25 victims during his time as a coach.

Chelsea’s statement follows the publication of Charles Geekie QC’s historic sexual abuse report, which also accused former assistant manager Dario Gradi of failing to inform club staff about an allegation raised by a young parent’s player against Heath’s conduct.

Gradi’s failure to report the allegation “was a lost opportunity to expose Heath and prevent further abuse”.

Heath, who died in 1983, went on to abuse boys for many years, with 23 complaints from boys within Chelsea’s youth system, one from a school team and another relating to when he was working for Millwall.

“Mr Gradi is the single example of a clear account of an adult in a position of responsibility at the club being informed about an allegation in relation to Mr Heath at the very time of the events complained of,” states Geekie in his report.

“The consequence of my findings is that the complaint made about Mr Heath was not referred to more senior members of the club and an opportunity to prevent Mr Heath from going on to abuse others was lost.

“I consider it absolutely necessary in order to achieve the purpose of the review to name Mr Gradi.”

Gradi was appointed an assistant coach at Chelsea in January 1971, with the review unable to establish if he left in 1975 or 1976.

Now 78, Gradi is accused of attempting to smooth over allegations of Heath assaulting a youth player during a visit to the player and his father.

Geekie explains in the review that Gradi knew he would be named in the report, with the ex-Crewe chief eventually giving his own account to the inquiry.

Gradi told the Geekie report that the father of the boy did not want the complaint to “get Eddie Heath into trouble”, insisting he informed club management of the allegations.

“The fact that he (the father) didn’t want it to go any further, in other words, took the pressure off me as far as I was concerned,” Gradi is quoted as saying in the Geekie report.

“I think I probably would have tried to stand up for Eddie Heath a bit.”

Dario Gradi is accused of attempting to smooth over allegations of Heath assaulting a youth player
Dario Gradi is accused of attempting to smooth over allegations of Heath assaulting a youth player (Getty)

When asked if he offered an apology, Gradi told the Geekie report: “No. What could I apologise for?”

Gradi has cooperated with the FA’s own historic sexual abuses review, headed by Clive Sheldon QC, and has been contacted for comment.

Geekie described Gradi’s accounts as “unconvincing” in his report, insisting his words “challenge credibility”.

The full 252-page Geekie report paints a harrowing picture of Heath targeting vulnerable boys, earning their trust, abusing them – then using “fear to secure silence”.

The former Chelsea youth coach is characterised in witness statements as a “Frankie Howerd character, routinely using sexualised banter and innuendo”.

The report states: “He used pornography to sexualise boys, he made use of gifts to draw boys closer to him.

“He targeted vulnerable boys and exploited their need for attention to create dependence upon him.

“He manipulated and groomed family members in order to persuade them to allow access to their children.”

Chelsea chairman Bruce Buck has met personally with 17 of the abuse survivors, with the club confirming compensation will be paid.

“While we implement the recommendations of the report, it is important that we also look to the future and ensure that abuse like this never happens again anywhere in football,” read Chelsea’s statement.

“Survivors of child sexual abuse are also able to claim compensation by writing to the club.

“Claims for compensation are being assessed and managed by the club’s insurer and the club will support survivors through the process.

“The club has formalised the services that we have been providing to players into a dedicated player support service.

“We thank the survivors again for their bravery and dignity and the role they have played, and continue to play, in ensuring a safer future for our sport.”

Additional reporting by PA

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