Cristiano Ronaldo’s relationship with Gary Neville ‘gone’, Rio Ferdinand claims

Ronaldo snubbed Neville pitch-side ahead of Man Utd’s game with West Ham at the weekend

Luke Baker
Tuesday 01 November 2022 18:47 GMT
Cristiano Ronaldo snubbed former teammate Gary Neville at the side of the pitch
Cristiano Ronaldo snubbed former teammate Gary Neville at the side of the pitch (Getty Images)

Rio Ferdinand believes Cristiano Ronaldo’s relationship with Gary Neville is now ‘gone’ after the Portuguese star snubbed his former Manchester United team-mate by the side of the Old Trafford pitch.

Ahead of United’s clash with West Ham on Sunday - that they went on to win 1-0 - Ronaldo ignored Neville despite greeting fellow Sky Sports pundits Louis Saha and Jamie Redknapp as they stood next to the former right-back.

Neville has criticised the 37-year-old for storming down the tunnel and refusing to come on as a substitute against Tottenham last month, with the forward appearing to have taken that reprimand to heart.

And Ferdinand, who played alongside both men for the Red Devils, admits the friction between the pair is now unlikely to be resolved, aalthough he explains how he would’ve handled the situation differently.

“I don’t think Cristiano is taking that call (if Neville calls him),” Ferdinand said on his Vibe with Five YouTube channel.

“Knowing Cristiano, it’s gone isn’t it. You’ve said what you said and believe what you believe. Nev looked nervous [pitch-side], I have seen that face before and he looked nervous ‘is he gonna talk to me’.

“I think what I would have done differently if I was recreating that scenario, I would maybe have gone and shook a couple of hands and said: ‘you talk too much, cya later’ and then gone. Just a little jab in there.’’

Ronaldo has made a habit of ignoring pundits at the side of the pitch this season, with Carragher being snubbed ahead of United’s clash with Liverpool after he had also criticised the veteran striker - although that relationship appears to have been mended, given the greeting on Sunday.

In response to being blanked, Neville admitted Ronaldo ‘’doesn’t act as though they are former teammates’’ when Micah Richards asked him about the incident in a video he posted on social media.

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