Shane Sutton accused of being a ‘serial liar and doper’ ahead of medical tribunal appearance

Dr Richard Freeman has already admitted to a series of charges including ordering testosterone

Ian Parkes
Tuesday 12 November 2019 15:42 GMT
The accusation against Shane Sutton was made by Mary O'Rourke QC, representing Dr Richard Freeman
The accusation against Shane Sutton was made by Mary O'Rourke QC, representing Dr Richard Freeman (Getty)

Shane Sutton has been described as “an habitual and serial liar, and a doper with a doping history” ahead of his appearance at a medical tribunal in Manchester.

The accusation against the former head coach of British Cycling and Team Sky was made by Mary O’Rourke QC, representing Dr Richard Freeman, the medic of the same organisations at the centre of a hearing to determine his fitness to continue practising medicine.

O’Rourke’s damning submission came towards the end of a brief open session in which she argued against the General Medical Council’s (GMC) proposal that Sutton be allowed to delay his testimony due to the ill health of a family member in England, and the possibility of providing evidence via video link next week from a temporary location in Majorca.

Following a private consultation between Sutton and his counsel, Simon Jackson QC at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, it was determined the Australian would give evidence on Tuesday afternoon and all day Thursday.

Sutton is now expected to deny O’Rourke’s “doping” claims, and primarily that he demanded a delivery of the banned substance Testogel in order to treat his own erectile dysfunction.

Dr Richard Freeman, who resigned from his positions with British Cycling and Team Sky in October 2017, has already admitted a series of charges against him, including ordering 30 sachets of Testogel to British Cycling headquarters in 2011.

It is the GMC’s case that Dr Freeman obtained the gel in the knowledge, or belief, that it was to be given to an athlete to enhance performance.

Freeman’s claim is the gel was ordered at the behest of, and to treat, Sutton, who is set to strenuously deny either suffering from the condition in question, or having heard of the substance prior to the reporting of the case.

Dr Richard Freeman resigned in October 2017
Dr Richard Freeman resigned in October 2017 (Getty)

Dr Freeman has additionally admitted trying to cover up the order by asking the firm who delivered it, Fit4Sport Ltd, to say it had been sent in error, returned and destroyed.

He now admits that none of what he asked Fit4Sport to say in an email was true, and that he showed it to his colleagues, former British Cycling head of medicine Dr Steve Peters and former British Cycling physio Phil Burt, knowing it to be false.

He has further admitted charges relating to prescribing medicine to non-athlete members of staff at British Cycling and to charges related to record-keeping.

The tribunal continues on Tuesday.


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