Three killed in Finland farm shooting over 'jealousy'


Jari Tanner
Saturday 17 November 2012 19:29 GMT

Three people were shot dead in southwestern Finland, most likely in an attack motivated by jealousy, Finnish police said.

No others were injured in the shooting by a farmhouse in the small town of Alavus, 350 kilometers (218 miles) northwest of Helsinki.

Officers were alerted to the scene by a passer-by around noon, then found the bodies of a man and a woman — both shot with a gun — in a car outside the house. The body of the suspected shooter, a man born in 1949, was found lying nearby, leading police to believe he had taken his own life after the attack.

Police would not say when the shooting took place, but national tabloid Iltalehti said it occurred overnight after the two victims had arrived at the farmhouse in the car.

In a statement, police said jealousy was thought to be the motive, saying the suspected killer earlier had a relationship with the woman but that had ended "ages ago."


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