Radio Jihad? Isis launches station in Afghanistan to spread propaganda further

The hour-long Voice of the Caliphate consists mainly of interviews, anti-government messages and songs about Isis

Samuel Osborne
Monday 21 December 2015 18:37 GMT
An elderly Afghan man listens to a radio early in the morning in Kabul on 16 July, 2015
An elderly Afghan man listens to a radio early in the morning in Kabul on 16 July, 2015 (SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)

Isis have launched a radio station in Afghanistan in the hopes of competing with the Taliban to recruit fighters.

The hour-long Voice of the Caliphate, started in eastern Nangarhar province, encourages young people to find a sense of direction in the Islamist movement.

It reportedly consists mainly of interviews, anti-government messages and songs about Isis, NDTV reports.

Isis are also luring members of the Taliban into their ranks.

Haji Ghalib, Achin district governor, told Al Jazeera: "The ISIL militants in Afghanistan are growing stronger and this radio channel is helping them recruit fighters which will make them even stronger.

"Their aim is to brainwash people through this radio channel, however, we are trying to track it and shut it down."

The Afghan army are reportedly struggling to contain Isis after it captured four districts south of Jalalabad, with daily battles claiming the lives of up to 500 personnel per month.

Their surge is thought to have been facilitated by a splintered Taliban and the withdrawl of Western troops.

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