Mount Agung: Hiker captures incredible footage from inside erupting Bali volcano

Bali hiker scales Mount Agung to film breathtaking video of ash cloud spewing from crater

Tom Barnes
Saturday 16 December 2017 19:02 GMT
Hiker films incredible footage inside Bali's erupting volcano Mount Agung

A hiker has captured incredible footage by risking life and limb to film inside an erupting volcano.

Bali resident Ikomang Giri scaled the active volcano Mount Agung on Wednesday in order to record from its peak.

The video, later uploaded to Facebook, shows thick clouds of ash streaming from the volcano during an eruption.

The film has since gone viral on the social network, being viewed almost 900,000 times.

Indonesian government volcanologist Gede Suantika told local news station Viva the hiker’s daredevil actions should not be condoned.

“We can not comment much, because our recommendation should not be there activities,” he said.

Mount Agung, located in the east of the Indonesian island, began erupting on 26 November, displacing thousands of people who live nearby.

As many as 65,000 locals have moved out of harm’s way and into temporary shelters over fears larger volcanic activity may be on the way, according to Indonesia‘s disaster mitigation agency.

Government agencies and charities have launched relief efforts in a bid to help those displaced.

The volcano’s last major eruption in 1963 was one of the worst in Indonesian history, killing more than 1,000 people.

The Foreign Office has advised British nationals against any travel within 10km of Mount Agung due to the volcanic activity.

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