Donald Trump Jr mocked for posting ‘bloodbath’ tweet moments before race turned on GOP

‘This tweet aged like milk buddy,’ Lincoln Project writes

Gustaf Kilander
Washington, DC
Wednesday 09 November 2022 18:32 GMT
Related video: Craziest moments from US midterm election night

Donald Trump Jr has been ridiculed for tweeting “bloodbath” on election night before all ballots had been counted as Republicans suffer unexpected setbacks in the midterms.

The red wave promised by some Republicans never materialised as control of Congress is set to be decided in just a few seats after the Democrats performed better than anticipated.

“This tweet aged like milk buddy,” the Lincoln Projectwrote in response to Mr Trump Jr.

“Wellness check, anyone?” project co-founder Rick Wilson wrote.

“Lmao your father’s picks gettin smoked,” one Twitter user said.

Author Seth Abramson simply wrote, “YIKES”.

“Nope. Just ketchup stains all over Mar-a-Lago,” Bob Cesca tweeted.

“Big tech must be showing him the wrong algorithms again,” Good Luck America host Peter Hamby wrote.

“Yes it was. For your father! Lol,” John Aravosis added.

“I’ll take tweets that haven’t aged well for a thousand!” Brian O’Sullivan quipped.

Writer Tom Watson tweeted that Mr Trump Jr has “mush for brains” in a seeming reference to his attack on victorious Pennsylvania senate candidate John Fetterman. Mr Trump Jr was heavily criticised for the remark, which appeared to be in reference to Mr Fetterman’s stroke that he suffered in May.

“Nah, that was January 6th,” Allan Creasy tweeted in response to Mr Trump Jr’s “bloodbath” post.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Nicholas Whithorn added.

Trump speaking at a midterms party at Mar-a-Lago as the results came in
Trump speaking at a midterms party at Mar-a-Lago as the results came in (AP)

“Your Dad really should restraint himself from making pop shots at Ron DeSantis I voted for your Dad twice but if he continues with his slurs against DeSantis I won’t the third time,” one Twitter user said.

Mr Trump has said that the Florida governor “could hurt himself very badly” if he decides to challenge Mr Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination.

But the consensus among political observers on the morning after the election is that Mr DeSantis is the new leader of the party after a resounding reelection victory in Florida.

Among those observers was Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough who took to the airwaves on Wednesday morning to celebrate former President Mr Trump’s loosening grip on the Republican Party following the GOP’s lacklustre midterm performance.

While congressional control is yet to be decided, it’s become clear that the “red wave” foreseen by some in the Republican Party hasn’t come to pass. The GOP looks set to see some of the worst results in decades by a party not in control of the White House in the first midterm elections of a presidential term.

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“Hey, Donald Trump,” Joe Scarborough said. “Meet Boris Johnson,” he said in reference to the UK prime minister who was ousted this summer after a series of scandals and a tsunami of ministerial resignations.

“There was a coronation last night, probably as grand as King Charles III’s coronation will be in the spring, and it was Ron DeSantis in Florida!” Scarborough said. “Massive victory down there. Right?”

The former Florida Republican congressman said that “unfortunately, Donald Trump lost the rest of America”.

“Now, I’m not going to say this is the end of Donald Trump, but there are a lot of Republicans this morning waking up going, wait a second ‘Ron Desantis is winning Miami-Dade outright and winning 20 percentage points in the state historically while Donald Trump is tweeting cheering against Republicans’,” he added.

“I don’t think last night was a good win for Donald,” Scarborough said, pointing to Mr DeSantis’s win.

Co-host Willie Geist said, “to your point, Ron Desantis winning by almost 20 points in Florida, remaking the map. Remaking the Obama coalition. Winning, flipping by 20 points from a couple of years ago, Latino voters. It would appear this morning this is Ron Desantis’s party and not Donald Trump’s.”

“It’s not Trump’s,” Scarborough said. “Everything Trump touches politically dies.”

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