Asian woman dragged by car in San Francisco in shocking attack

Coronavirus pandemic has seen wave of Anti-Asian hate crimes across US

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Wednesday 24 March 2021 09:02 GMT
Woman responds with sympathy for attackers after violent robbery in San Fransisco

An Asian-American woman was repeatedly punched in the face and dragged down the street by a car in the latest shocking attack in a wave of violence against the Asian community.

The San Francisco woman was attacked and robbed from behind in broad daylight and dragged by the getaway car when she refused to let go of her purse.

The woman, who gave her name as Clarisse, was attacked by three people as she walked home with a friend from church in the city on Sunday.

When she refused to let go she was punched three times in the face and hung on  to her her bag for as long as possible.

But as the car veered away from her she was left sprawled in the street as the whole shocking incident was caught on camera by a neighbour.

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Clarisse told ABC7 she had message of forgiveness for her attackers.

“Know that you’re loved, know people are there to help you,” she told the station.

“I know it’s hard now but we need to get back and have people in work and school so they are predictively occupied and don’t feel like they need to do things.”

Clarisse says she does not know if the attack was racially motivated and the police are continuing their investigations.

There has been a wave of anti-Asian violence across the United States during the coronavirus pandemic.

This includes the mass shooting at Asian-owned spas in Atlanta, Georgia, that saw eight people gunned down, including six Asian women.

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