AP News Digest 3:40 a.m.

Via AP news wire
Friday 25 June 2021 08:40 BST
APTOPIX Building Collapse Miami
APTOPIX Building Collapse Miami (Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. All times EDT. For up-to-the minute information on AP’s coverage, visit Coverage Plan at https://newsroom.ap.org.




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BUILDING-COLLAPSE-MIAMI — The Champlain Towers South drew people from around the globe to enjoy life on South Florida’s Atlantic Coast, some for a night, some to live. They were among the nearly 100 people who remained missing, a day after the 12-story building collapsed into rubble. Much of the Champlain’s beach side sheared off for unknown reasons, pancaking into a pile of concrete and metal more than 30 feet high. By Terry Spencer and Adriana Gomez Licon. SENT: 640 words, photos. With BUILDING-COLLAPSE-MIAMI-PARAGUAYANS — Relatives of Paraguay’s first lady missing in Miami collapse.

GEORGE-FLOYD-OFFICER-TRIAL — Former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin learns his sentence for murder in George Floyd’ s death, closing a chapter in a case that sparked global outrage and a reckoning on racial disparities in America. Chauvin, 45, faces decades in prison, with several legal experts predicting a sentence of 20 to 25 years. By Amy Forliti and Steve Karnowski. SENT: 970 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Court proceedings begin at 2:30 p.m.

BIDEN-ANALYSIS — For a president who had campaigned on his ability to work across the aisle, Joe Biden’s announcement of a bipartisan deal on a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package was a victory. But the accomplishment itself was fragile, one that faces opposition on the liberal flank of his own party and one that is far smaller than Biden first proposed. By Jonathan Lemire. SENT: 1,180 words, photos. With CONGRESS-INFRASTRUCTURE — Biden extols bipartisan infrastructure deal as a good start; CONGRESS-INFRASTRUCTURE-GLANCE.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK — They tried grocery giveaways and lotteries for new cars and apartments. But an ambitious plan of vaccinating 30 million Russians by mid-June still has fallen short by a third. So now, many regional governments across the vast country are obligating some workers to get vaccinated and requiring the shots to enter certain businesses, like restaurants. By Daria Litvinova. SENT: 1,100 words, photos.

AFGHANISTAN-TALIBAN-GAINS — Taliban gains in northern Afghanistan have driven a worried government to resurrect militias with a track record of fomenting chaos and widespread killing. The region is the traditional stronghold of the country’s minority ethnic groups that drove the Taliban from power there nearly 20 years ago. Analysts say the government move is “desperate” after the Taliban overran several districts in several provinces of in the country’s north. By Kathy Gannon. SENT: 1,050 words, photos. With UNITED-STATES-AFGHANISTAN-TROOPS — U.S. to keep about 650 troops in Afghanistan after withdrawal.

YOUNG ADULTS-LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE — U.S. Supreme Court rulings and state laws in recent years have limited or banned sentences of life without the possibility of parole for people who commit crimes as juveniles because of the potential for change. Now research showing that the brain continues to develop after 18 is prompting some states to examine whether to extend such protections to young adults. By Alanna Durkin Richer. SENT: 1,090 words, photo.




BIDEN-TRUMP MUSIC — Trump rally song plays briefly at Biden North Carolina event. SENT: 160 words, photos.

EUROPE-WEATHER — Three dead, hundreds injured by rare tornado in Czech Republic. SENT: 180 words, photos.

INDONESIA-VOLCANO — Lava streams from crater as Indonesia’s Mount Merapi erupts. SENT: 370 words, photos.

DOWNTOWN-SHOOTING-AUSTIN — Police arrest man on murder charge in Austin mass shooting. SENT: 280 words, photo.

BLACKHAWKS-SEXUAL-ASSAULT-LAWSUIT — Ex-Blackhawk sues team, alleging sexual assault by assistant. SENT: 810 words.




VIRUS-OUTBREAK-JAPAN-VACCINATIONS — After months of frustration and delay, Japan has hit the remarkable benchmark of 1 million vaccines a day, but with the Olympics set to start in less than a month, and only a small portion of the country vaccinated, a question lingers: Is it enough? SENT: 1,000 words, photos.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-AUSTRALIA — Parts of Sydney will go into lockdown as a coronavirus outbreak in Australia’s largest city continued to grow. SENT: 430 words, photos. With VIRUS-OUTBREAK-THE LATEST.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-SAVING-VENICE — After a 15-month pause in mass international travel, Venice is contemplating how to welcome visitors back to the picture-postcard canals and Byzantine backdrops. SENT: 1,000 words, photos.




HARRIS-IMMIGRATION — Kamala Harris faces perhaps the most politically challenging moment of her vice presidency when she heads to the U.S. southern border as part of her role leading the Biden administration’s response to a steep increase in migration. SENT: 830 words, photos, video.

CAPITOL BREACH-INVESTIGATION — A police officer who was injured in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and has pushed for an independent commission to investigate the attack will meet with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, according to two people familiar with the meeting. SENT: 850 words, photos.

PENCE — Former Vice President Mike Pence defended his role in certifying the results of the 2020 election, saying he was “proud” of what he did on Jan. 6 and declaring that there is “almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.” SENT: 810 words, photos.




HONG KONG — China promoted Hong Kong’s top security official to the territory’s No. 2 spot as Beijing continues to clamp down on free speech and political opposition. SENT: 410 words, photo.

FRANCE-ELECTIONS-FAR RIGHT — The best chance of victory for Marine Le Pen’s far-right party in this weekend’s French regional election runoff is a European lawmaker who meets regularly with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and celebrated Russia’s annexation of Crimea. SENT: 980 words, photos.

UNITED-NATIONS-ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS — The United Nations accused Israel of flagrantly violating international law by expanding settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, saying settlements are illegal and urging the country’s new government to halt their enlargement immediately. SENT: 720 words, photos.




PRIDE-AND-POLICE — As Pride weekend approaches, the decision by organizers of New York City’s event to ban LGBTQ police officers from marching in future parades while wearing their uniforms has put a spotlight on a longstanding tension. SENT: 880 words, photos.

MUMBAI TERRORISM-EXTRADITION HEARING — A former Chicago businessman will remain in the United States as a federal judge in Los Angeles weighs whether he will be extradited to India for his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai terror attack that killed more than 160 people. SENT: 510 words, photos.

TEXAS-EXECUTION — An investigation has found that new personnel and procedures along with insufficient oversight led to reporters not witnessing the state’s first execution in nearly a year, officials say. SENT: 710 words.

ARREST-PROTEST — Demonstrators converged outside a South Carolina police station for a second day, protesting the arrest of two men by officers in Rock Hill who were recorded on a Facebook video wrestling and throwing punches with the two. SENT: 650 words, photos.




FINANCIAL-MARKETS — Asian shares rose, buoyed by a rally on Wall Street that came after Biden announced a bipartisan deal on infrastructure spending. By Business Writer Yuri Kageyama. SENT: 720 words, photos.




PEOPLE-BRITNEY-SPEARS — Britney Spears’ powerful plea to a judge to end the conservatorship that has controlled her life since 2008 brought sympathy and outrage from fans, famous supporters and even casual observers who say she deserves independence. By Entertainment Writer Andrew Dalton. SENT: 940 words, photos. With BRITNEY-SPEARS-CONSERVATORSHIP-EXPLAINER — How conservatorships like Spears’ work.

TV-CONAN-O’BRIEN — Conan O’Brien stayed true to form as he wrapped his TBS show “Conan” after nearly 11 years, bouncing between self-deprecating and smart-aleck humor before allowing himself a touch of sentiment. By Television Writer Lynn Elber. SENT: 570 words, photo.




GOLDEN-KNIGHTS-CANADIENS — Artturi Lehkonen scored 1:39 into overtime, Carey Price stopped 37 shots and the Montreal Canadiens advanced to the Stanley Cup Final for the first time in 28 years following a 3-2 win over the Vegas Golden Knights. By Hockey Writer John Wawrow. SENT: 980 words, photos.

CUBS-DODGERS — Zach Davies and three Chicago Cubs relievers combined for the seventh no-hitter in the majors this year, blanking the Los Angeles Dodgers 4-0 to match the record for most in a single season since 1900. By Sports Writer Greg Beacham. SENT: 1,070 words, photos.




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