Local Tory group cancels 'pig race' fundraiser after David Cameron pig allegations

The Conservative association promised an 'exciting and unpredictable evening'

Jon Stone
Monday 21 September 2015 13:53 BST
The event was due to feature a pig race
The event was due to feature a pig race (AP)

A local Conservative party group has cancelled a planned “pig race” fundraising event after allegations emerged about David Cameron’s experiences with the animals while he was at university.

Dewsbury, Mirfield, Denby Dale and Kirkburton Conservative Association in West Yorkshire had planned to charge people to attend the race at a local pub.

But on the day the Daily Mail newspaper printed allegations that David Cameron inserted his private parts into a dead pig's head at university, the association abruptly cancelled the event.

David Cameron attended Oxford University
David Cameron attended Oxford University (Getty)

Downing Street has declined to comment on the allegations regarding Mr Cameron, which were originally recounted in a book by former Conservative treasurer Lord Ashcroft in which it was also said the allegations could be a case of mistaken identity.

The race, advertised on the group’s website and Facebook, promised an “exciting and unpredictable evening” for those attending.

“Pulled Pork sandwiches will be served on the evening. Please let us know if you require a vegetarian option,” the group said in its invitation. Tickets for the event would have cost £7.50.

An advert for the event had been displayed on the group’s website since 8 September 2015.

A person in charge of the Conservative association’s Facebook account marked the event as “cancelled” on the social network shortly after the news broke, however.

The Independent contacted the Conservative association by email for additional comment on this story but did not immediately receive a response.

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