Ukip will launch manifesto tomorrow after Paul Nuttall says election campaign should restart

The Ukip leader has said his party's manifesto launch tomorrow will go ahead

Tom Peck
Wednesday 24 May 2017 12:06 BST
Paul Nuttall has said Ukip's manifesto launch will go ahead tomorrow
Paul Nuttall has said Ukip's manifesto launch will go ahead tomorrow (Reuters)

Ukip leader Paul Nuttall has called for the general election campaign to restart, and has said Ukip’s manifesto launch planned for tomorrow morning will go ahead.

Mr Nuttall said: "We are all horrified by the horrific events that took place in Manchester. Following those events it is right and proper that political parties suspended their campaigns for a short period as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives or suffered appalling injuries.

"But we cannot be cowed or allow our way of life to be undermined by those who wish to do us harm. These people hate the way we live, hate our freedom and hate our democracy.

"The best response we can make is to ensure that the democratic process continues and therefore I have decided that we must to go ahead with the launch of the Ukip general election manifesto tomorrow. For those who say that nothing must change, but then complain, it is by prolonging the disruption to normality that we allow the terrorists to win. Politics has never been more important, politicians must deal with these issues."

The Conservatives have not formally indicated when they intend to resume the campaign. Theresa May is to spend the rest of the week first in Brussels and then in Sicily, where she will attend a meeting of G7 leaders including US President Donald Trump.

Labour believes a decision about when to restart the campaign could be made as early as today – and that the suspension will end no later than Friday.

However, it depends on ongoing discussions with the other parties and a judgment about when it feels appropriate for politicians to be actively campaigning.

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