Girl scores higher IQ than Einstein despite patchy school attendance

The girl, who is from a Roma traveller community, said too many people 'judge a book by its cover'

Jess Staufenberg
Saturday 12 December 2015 18:18 GMT
The 13-year-old would like to study medicine
The 13-year-old would like to study medicine (YouTube)

A girl who has scored the highest possible IQ mark has credited her school teachers with spotting her potential after a history of patchy attendance.

Nicole Bar, who is in the global top one per cent for intelligence, only attended primary school intermittently since her parents travelled around when she was younger, according to the Mail Online.

Yet her parents say the 13-year-old, who belongs to a community of Roma travellers, has been solving basic maths sums by aged two and could tackle complex algebra by 10.

Nicole said her secondary school in Essex had quickly realised she was very able.

"I had bad attendance at primary school and my mum struggled to get me to come to Burnt Mill on my first day," she told the Mail Online.

"But this school has turned my life around."

Her results in the IQ test, which asks readers to solve word analogies, logic problems, memory challenges and maths-type questions, placed her at 162 - the highest possible score.

It is also higher than Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein, leading Nicole to hope she will go on to study medicine.

Oxford University, which the youngster would like to attend, invited her to visit for a day too after hearing of her high score. About 100 is seen as average for the general population.

She also went on a three-day trip to the European Parliament in Brussels to speak to others in the Roma community about its achievements.

Nicole's father, James, told the Mail Online his daughter's performance had made their community proud.

"The whole community is really proud of Nicole. It’s us saying 'look, we can do these things as well'," he said.

Nicole reiterated his point that the Roma community are too often seen as problematic.

"People say bad things about Roma that aren’t true and often judge a book by its cover.

"My mum says people claim to be Roma and do bad things, but our community is civilised and good," she said.

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