Watch the eccentric Remainer dance troupe performance that even earned praise from Farage

Even Nigel Farage seemed swayed by Dance Europa’s showstopping routine

Barney Davis
Sunday 24 September 2023 09:00 BST
Thousands march through London demanding UK rejoin European Union

This is the moment an EU Remainer dance troupe brought thousands attending this weekend’s Rejoin march to a standstill.

Dance Europa, whose members had been practising in Swindon town centre, arguably stole the show with their elaborate routines effortlessly blending disco and elements of breakdancing on various points of the route snaking through central London.

Centre stage: Dance Europa let their hair down outside Parliament (Barney Davis)

Even arch-Brexiteer Nigel Farage seemed impressed by their moves, posting: “Some elements of the Rejoin campaign deserve praise!” on footage of their flag routine to Italian disco classic Ti Sento by Matia Bazar outside Parliament.

At one point one of the dancers performed a cartwheel before launching into a breakdance in front of the world’s media.

The unwavering troupe ignored hecklers from rival anti-ULEZ and Save Bully XL marches in the capital at the same time on Saturday, and stuck to their stoic flag routine along Whitehall.

Ahead of the march, Dance Europa leader Steve Rouse said being invited to take such a prominent role was “a great honour”.

Mr Rouse said: “As we’ve been asked to lead the march all down Whitehall to the gates of Parliament we’ve choreographed a processional walking dance, men with flags ladies with gold wings.”

Dance Europa provided non-stop entertainment for the thousands of Remainers who turned up to the Rejoin march (Barney Davis)

Praised for their stamina after a high-octane routine to John Lennon’s Power To The People, he promised: “We’re not finished yet!”

The National Rejoin March attracted around 3,000 people as they marched from Park Lane, outside the London Hilton, toward Parliament Square for speeches and a waving of flags of the EU nations.

At Parliament Square, speakers, including former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt and high-profile campaigner Gina Miller – who masterminded an anti-Brexit legal challenge, addressed the crowd.

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