Bouncer stabbed to death outside party at multimillion-pound London home, court hears

Man allegedly responsible for fatal blow is still at large

Emma Snaith
Tuesday 23 July 2019 21:56 BST
Park Lane stabbing: Scene where bouncer Tudor Simionov was knifed to death trying to stop new year party gatecrashers

A bouncer for a private party at a multi-million pound Mayfair home was stabbed to death by a group of men who were refused entry, a court has heard.

Tudor Simionov, 33, was stabbed once in the chest outside the home in the early hours of New Years Day.

Five others were also hurt during the six-minute outburst of violence in Park Lane.

Nor Hamada, 24, Haroon Akram, 26, and Adham Khalil, 20, are on trial at the Old Bailey accused of murdering Mr Simionov.

But a fourth man, Ossama Hamed, who is alleged to have inflicted the fatal wound was said to have fled the jurisdiction.

Prosecutor Philip Evans QC told jurors Mr Simionov was one of a number of security staff employed at the unlicensed event.

The defendents were among a group of young men who were refused entry at around 5.30am on 1 January, he said.

“As a result, a violent confrontation ensued between these males and the door staff which lasted for approximately six minutes,” Mr Evans said.

“In the course of that short period of violence, Tudor Simionov, one of the door staff, received a single, fatal stab wound to the chest.”

Five others also received knife wounds, many of which required hospital treatment, the jurors were told.

Mr Evans said the defendants were jointly responsible with Mr Hamed for the murder of Mr Simionov, as well as wounding five others and violent disorder.

Jurors were told they were a group of friends who regularly socialised together.

The prosecutor said more than one knife was used in the attack and the defendants “acted as a group” and encouraged each other.

He told the jury: “They acted together and shared an intention as to what should ultimately happen. Consequently, they are equally responsible for what happened.”

Additional reporting by PA

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