The Business Matrix: Saturday 29 June 2013


Friday 28 June 2013 22:10 BST

Air Traffic head pockets £720,000

The head of Britain's air traffic control took home £720,000 last year, including a £303,000 bonus for the Olympics. Yet that was actually a pay cut for Richard Deakin, the chief executive of National Air Traffic Services, who pocketed £736,000 the year before. Nats is owned by the Government and seven airlines.

Ogston walks away from CPP

The founder and majority shareholder of the troubled credit card insurer CPP has stepped down from the board and scrapped his attempt to buy the firm. Hamish Ogstonoffered to buy the company in March for £1.7m soon after it had been hit with a £60m bill for mis-selling, but talks broke down.

Unexpected loss for BlackBerry

The Canadian phone-maker BlackBerry dashed hopes of a turnaround by posting an unexpected £55m loss yesterday despite launching a range of new products to take on rivals such as Apple and Samsung. Analysts had been anticipating a profit.

Service sector boost for growth

The service sector, which accounts for more than three quarters of the economy and ranging from hotels and restaurants to finance and IT, grew 0.2 per cent in April. This picked up the pace from the previous month, pushing year-on-year growth to 2 per cent.

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