Barack and Michelle Obama dance with 106-year-old woman who visits the White House

The Obamas told Ms McLaurin she had made their day

Olivia Blair
Monday 22 February 2016 10:05 GMT
Obama dancing with 106 year old woman

An 106-year-old woman proved she had more energy than most people half her age when she danced her way into the White House to meet the President.

Unable to contain her excitement at meeting Barack and Michelle Obama, Virginia McLaurin held her arms in the air and danced excitedly when introduced to the President and First Lady.

A video posted to the Facebook account for the White House shows Ms McLaurin tell Mr Obama, “It’s an honour” before eagerly making her way over to Mrs Obama, prompting the President to tell her “slow down now, don’t go too quick, she’s 106!”

The Obamas, who between them have been spotted dancing on many occasions throughout his two-term presidency, then danced away with Ms McLaurin before she told the 54-year-old: “I thought I would never get in the White House."

The special guest was invited to meet the president as part of Black History Month celebrations, according to reports, and told the Obamas: “I am so happy to have a black president and a black wife… And I’m here to celebrate black history”.

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