Business Diary: The merry wives of Wall Street

Monday 23 August 2010 00:00 BST

Business Insider, the rather scurrilous Wall Street gossip website, is currently running what you might describe as a somewhat unreconstructed feature: the hottest wives on Wall Street. We certainly don't approve, but for the record, the wives of Carl Icahn, David Tepper and Phil Falcone all make the list, along with a string of others. Anyone remember comedian Caroline Aherne asking Debbie McGee what first attracted her to her husband, "the millionaire Paul Daniels"?

It's Google, the animated movie

The Taiwanese animation company Next Media has recently been seen making a brilliant video of what Tiger Woods's confrontation with his wife and some golf clubs might really have looked like, as well as airline jetBlue's now famous former flight attendant Steve Slater's last day at work. Now it's back with a new video entitled "Google's Domination Of The World And Loss Of Mojo", which takes the search giant to task for a variety of its perceived naughtinesses, from Street View to net neutrality. Look out for Eric Schmidt's pact with Satan.

Coventry back in the fast lane

It's good to see that Jaguar hasn't forgotten its Midlands roots. Now owned by the Indian giant Tata, it is a major sponsor of international cricket, but has also just agreed to pay homage to the central English city to which it has such strong links by sponsoring Coventry Rugby Club. Languishing in National League One, the club hopes an injection of cash might power it back to the big time.

Blankfein seals deal at last

Hurrah for Lloyd Blankfein, the Goldman Sachs boss who put his home on New York's illustrious Park Avenue more than a year ago. The New York Times reports that Mr Blankfein has finally managed to get shot of the pad. True, he didn't get the $15m for which he had been hoping, but $12m isn't so bad given the way the American property market is just now. And it's quite a price to pay for a five-bedroom flat.

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