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Woman reveals how ‘little white lie’ she told her husband backfired: ‘Honesty is the best policy’

‘I eventually just had to come clean’

Amber Raiken
New York
Friday 11 February 2022 22:36 GMT

A woman has revealed how a “little white lie” that she told her husband early on in their relationship ultimately came back to “bite [her] in the booty.”

On their joint TikTok account, Matt and Abby frequently share videos of their relationship and family. In one clip posted on 8 February, Abby recalled how she’d once told Matt a small lie, and how it had eventually ended up being more of an inconvenience for her.

“Have you ever told a little white lie that came back to bite you in the booty?” she asked. “Because I have.”

She reflected on when she first started dating her husband and how neither of them had been in a relationship before. According to Abby, at the time, she’d remembered how her grandmother had once told her that it was “good to take interest in someone else’s interests.”

With that in mind, when Matt asked Abby to go see Guardians of the Galaxy with him, she said yes - and told him that she couldn’t wait to see the film.

“Now, in reality, I actually hate superhero movies,” she said. “I see why other people like them, they’re just not for me.”

When she went to see the film with Matt, she acted like she was “stoked for it” and said she pretended to have really enjoyed it once it ended. However, this wasn’t actually the truth.

“I walked out of that movie theater thinking: ‘we did it, I didn’t like it, but I can do anything one time,’” she recalled.

Unfortunately, Abby later learned that this wasn’t the case, as a year later, Matt told her that they were making a sequel of Guardians of the Galaxy, which he thought was “her favourite movie ever.”

“So what do I do? I keep up the act,” Abby explained. She told him it was another “amazing cinematic experience,” up until he revealed to her that the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy was going to be in the next Avengers movie.

“So I eventually just had to come clean, I literally couldn’t do it anymore,” she explained. “So now I’ve come to the conclusion that best relationship advice [is] honesty is the best policy.”

In the caption, Abby recalled the tips she’s received from her family about relationships and wrote: “I blame my grandma.”

This video has more than 2.8m views so far, with many TikTok users noting in the comments that they agree with Abby’s take on superhero movies, but have found themselves in similar situations.

“Abby I did the exact same thing,” one viewer wrote. “I couldn’t hate superhero movies more.”

Someone else wrote: “I also don’t like superhero movies I can be halfway through and not recall anything that happened.”

“This is literally me too,” another comment reads.”I hated superhero movies and now I love [them] so much bc my fiancé changed me.”

The Independent has contacted Matt and Abby for comment.

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