Lush's new bath bomb weighs two pounds and looks amazing

The bath bomb big enough to soak away all your troubles

Chelsea Ritschel
in New York
Monday 04 December 2017 17:17 GMT

If you don’t use Lush products, you'll at least be aware of the overpowering smell that engulfs you as you walk by.

The millennial cult-favourite is adored for its glitter-filled bath bombs of various pretty colours and nice smells. With names like Star Light Star Bright, Snow Fairy, and Cheer Up Buttercup, it is hard to resist grabbing one, or four, of the beautiful soapy balls that are piled in mountains in every Lush store.

And for those who love to soak in a fizzing tub, this new bath bomb is basically a dream come true.

Weighing in at 2.6lbs, Lush’s newest bath bomb creation, the Giant Golden Wonder Bath Bomb, is most likely the biggest bath bomb in the world.

Shaped like a wrapped present and scented with lime and orange, the limited edition bath bomb retails for £15 ($20) and seems more suitable for a pool than a tub - not that that will deter us.

The Giant Golden Wonder Bath Bomb

The supersize bath bomb is currently out of stock online - it looks like everyone else was intrigued too - but will be available in Lush stores on December 15 if you feel like lugging the fizzy bomb all the way home.

However, while we associate bath bombs with self-care and pampering, you may need to skip this one out if you are prone to yeast infections, UTIs, or other vagina-related health issues, despite the mostly vegan products at Lush.

While they may look beautiful, bath bombs can actually wreak havoc on your vagina due to the perfumes and dyes needed to make them so appealing.

Even if you don’t see physical symptoms, your vagina may not be as relaxed as you post-bath bomb bath, gynaecologists warn.

Limit baths to just once a week

So although a pink glittery bath may sound relaxing, err on the side of caution when bath bombing because the vagina’s delicate pH balance can struggle with anything perfumed, which may disturb the good bacteria in the vagina and cause infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and inflammation.

But the good news is as long as you don’t experience symptoms of irritation or infection, the occasional bath bomb is considered okay. Just make sure you don’t soak for too long, limit baths to just once a week, and generally avoid glitter bombs, unless they are plastic-free.

Happy soaking!

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