Tinder update allows users to focus on looks without being distracted by personality

It's all about looks, apparently

Rachel Hosie
Friday 06 October 2017 15:08 BST
(Getty Images)

It’s no secret that dating apps are, for the most part, appearance-based.

You are literally swiping right (hello there) or left (see you never) based on what someone looks like in their pictures.

And the latest Tinder update has arguably made the dating app even more shallow.

The app has just made it easier to swipe through someone’s pictures and harder to see actual profiles and descriptions.

To see more photos of your potential suitor, you simply tap on the picture. But to see someone’s bio, you have to tap a little “i” in the corner.

Previously, you’d scroll through pictures and end up on the bio page.

Now, however, you have to actively seek out someone’s info.

And to be honest, that’s a bit of an effort in the lazy world of dating apps - all we want to do is swipe through prospective romantic partners to whom we’ll probably never talk let alone meet, simply to combat boredom on a Sunday evening.

Granted, many people who use dating apps have a blank bio (which is annoying), but as more Tinder users will now inevitably not be bothered to open someone’s profile info, how will we know you love brunch, travelling and keeping fit?

Or that anyone under six foot need not apply? Or you’re here for a good time, not a long time?

It’s a shame because although there has to be some physical attraction in a relationship of any kind - be that a hook-up or a committed, monogamous partnership - judging people purely on their looks isn’t a good way to go about selecting a partner.

I fear the latest Tinder update will simply encourage people to be more shallow, and considering the state of modern dating, that cannot be a good thing.

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