Lili Reinhart updates fans after revealing dog Milo was attacked in 'horrifying' accident

'I was screaming his name at the top of my lungs and sobbing - I felt so helpless'

Chelsea Ritschel
New York
Sunday 12 April 2020 15:45 BST
Lili Reinhart shares update about dog Milo after he was attacked
Lili Reinhart shares update about dog Milo after he was attacked

Lili Reinhart has updated fans about her dog Milo’s health after revealing on Instagram this week that he had been attacked by another dog.

On Friday, the Riverdale actress shared the news on her Instagram Story, where she tearfully explained that she had been walking Milo when the “horrifying” incident occurred.

“So, this is weird for me and I'm not exactly sure why I'm doing it, but I guess for all the people out there who care about my little dog, Milo,” Reinhart said. “I was taking him out today to get some exercise - I had a mask and gloves on so don't start with me about that - but he was attacked by another dog and it was pretty bad.”

According to the 23-year-old, Milo, who she adopted two months ago, was taken to the animal hospital where he had to undergo emergency surgery.

A day after the incident, Reinhart shared an update to her Instagram, where she said that the puppy is “okay” and had returned home.

Beginning the Instagram Story expressing her gratitude to all of those who had reached out with messages of support, Reinhart said: “It was an outpouring of love and that was so incredibly sweet and kind and thank you.”

“He’s okay, he’s home with me, he had surgery, he had a big wound on his head so part of his head is shaved and he has a puncture wound here as well,” she said, gesturing to her neck.

According to the actress, the accident, which involved a dog 10 times the size of Milo, was “the most terrifying thing” she’s ever experienced and she keeps having flashbacks.

“I thought I was going to lose him,” she wrote. “His little head was in the jaws of a dog 10x his size. I was screaming his name at the top of my lungs and sobbing - I felt so helpless.”

Reinhart also said she is afraid that Milo will be scared of other dogs now, but that he is doing “surprisingly well” and has been extra cuddly since he returned home.

Reinhart says moment was 'most terrifying' of her life (Instagram)

She concluded the posts again thanking all of her followers who reached out.

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