Kim Kardashian says she became a lawyer as a ‘big f***k you’ to everyone

‘No one’s ever really respected a reality star with a sex tape,’ she said

Laura Hampson
Thursday 12 May 2022 12:19 BST

Kim Kardashian says she became a lawyer as a big “f*** you” to everyone.

“I think it started off with me just wanting to know more, and me wanting to be able to help more,” the 41-year-old explained in the latest episode of The Kardashians.

“But then it kind of was proving something to me personally. No one’s ever really respected a reality star with a sex tape, and I’ve always had to break through this stigma, and I want to prove this to myself that I can do it.

“And, ultimately, like a huge ‘f*** you’ to everybody too who thought that I can’t grow or move beyond where I was.”

Kardashian first announced that she wanted to become a lawyer in May 2019 during a cover shoot with Vogue.

At the time she clarified that she was not going to law school but rather “reading the law”. In California, you do not have to have an undergraduate degree to become a lawyer, but you do need to pass the baby bar exam.

Kardashian failed the baby bar the first time, but she passed it in December 2021. The fifth episode of The Kardashians sees Kardashian studying for the exam.

When she passed the exam last year, Kardashian posted her achievement to Instagram, writing: “OMFGGGG I PASSED THE BABY BAR EXAM!!!!

“I failed this exam 3 times in 2 years, but I got back up each time and studied harder and tried again until I did it!!!

“In California, the way I’m studying law you need to take 2 bar exams, this was just the first one but with the harder pass rate. I was told by top lawyers that this was a close to impossible journey and harder than the traditional law school route but it was my only option and it feels so so sooooo good to be here and on my way to achieving my goals”

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