Webchat: Mums Half Hour

The panel discuss going back to school, separation anxiety and how to get organised for the new term

Friday 12 August 2011 00:00 BST
Back to school: Mums discuss separation anxiety
Back to school: Mums discuss separation anxiety (Getty Images)

Join us live today at 1:30pm

Seeing your child go off to school for the first time can be one of the proudest and yet emotionally difficult moments as a parent. Whether you’re a working or stay-at-home mum, separation affects us in different ways. Going back to school, after spending the whole of the summer holidays with your children, can be hard for them and also for you.

As well as the stress of separation alone, going back to school requires almost as much planning as the summer holidays themselves, from getting your children back into a sensible bedtime routine to making sure you that all their school clothes, shoes and supplies are sorted.

No one understands these issues more than our panel of mums for the next episode of Mums Half Hour. Joining us live to discuss and answer your questions live for episode three, are Janine Moore, Jayne Everson and Emily Carlisle.

This webTV show will be live and interactive, with the panel taking your questions and thoughts so if you have something to say, they want to hear it!

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