Raspberry coupe

Serves 4

Mark Hi
Friday 18 May 2012 12:54 BST
Raspberry coupe
Raspberry coupe (Jason Lowe )

A coupe is a great summery dish to serve at a lunch party in the garden. You can create your own bespoke version by adding nuts, varying the ice-cream, serving mascarpone instead of cream, etc. I've given a recipe here for tuile biscuits, but you could also use a suitable off-the-shelf ice-cream biscuit.

200g raspberries
120ml double cream
30g caster sugar
4 large or 8 small scoops of good-quality vanilla ice-cream

Blend a third of the raspberries in a liquidiser until smooth. Whip the cream with the sugar until fairly stiff. To serve, spoon a little of the raspberry purée in the base of a coupe-type glass, then spoon some whipped cream followed by a ball of ice-cream. Spoon on more purée, saving 1-2tbsp for the biscuits below, scatter the raspberries and place a biscuit on top.

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