Farm Girl brunch review: A place for free-from diet following millennials

As another vegan cult eatery branches out, Rachel Hosie asks if the brand can keep it's wholesomeness; while we make the breakfast of scientists at home

Rachel Hosie
Friday 29 June 2018 14:52 BST
With tubs of charcoal, chlorophyll and blue matcha on the counter, the vibe at the Carnaby Street eatery is clear from the start
With tubs of charcoal, chlorophyll and blue matcha on the counter, the vibe at the Carnaby Street eatery is clear from the start

Brunching out...

Thanks to its rose petal lattes, millennial pink tables and strawberry croissants, the original branch of wholesome cafe Farm Girl in Notting Hill has become something of a favourite among clean eaters and food influencers alike.

So would the restaurant’s newer outpost, above Sweaty Betty in Carnaby Street, Soho, hold the same appeal?

Fear not, your flat lays are safe. White brick walls, neon signs and luscious houseplants make Farm Girl an Instagrammer’s dream.

The lavender power smoothie bowl is made with blue matcha, berries, frozen pineapple and almond milk and sprinkled with seasonal toppings
The lavender power smoothie bowl is made with blue matcha, berries, frozen pineapple and almond milk and sprinkled with seasonal toppings

However, with tubs of charcoal, chlorophyll and blue matcha on the counter, anti-clean eaters and advocates of the meat and two veg style of meal may at first turn their noses up at Farm Girl’s menu.

Sure, charcoal lattes, “dragon bowls” and teff porridge are all on the menu, but there are also plenty of brunch staples too.

If you’re more into flat whites than turmeric lattes, fear not. The flat white (£2.90) at Farm Girl was great.

And if you’re dairy-free, you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to milk alternatives – I had a chai latte made with coconut milk (£3.70): it was thinner than usual and did taste healthier, but it was nicely spiced and not as sweet as usual.

Being the true millennial that I am, I ordered the avocado toast (£5.50), which was rather smashing. There was a generous helping of avocado (unlike the many restaurants that serve little more than a smear of avocado paste over toast these days) and it was mashed with olive oil, just a delicious hint of which came through. A sprinkling of pomegranate seeds added a pleasing crunch – not to mention a pop of colour for the ‘gram.

Rather smashing: the avocado toast provides a more generous helping than you would normally find

 Rather smashing: the avocado toast provides a more generous helping than you would normally find

My guest and I also shared a portion of ricotta toast (£5.50), so creamy it was almost like cream cheese frosting but the slight tang made it a perfect complement to the slices of sweet ripe figs and drizzle of honey on top.

From the good selection of smoothies, we tried the Rejuvenation (£6.50) but sadly the overwhelming flavour was simply mint rather than strawberry and rose.

Next, we shared an acai bowl (£7.50), which was creamy and smooth with a strong banana flavour. The sizeable portion was topped with blueberries, cacao nibs and chia seeds.

We did think it odd that the acai bowl and smoothie were served in plastic and cardboard takeaway containers, but perhaps there was simply a shortage of crockery when we visited.

If you’re into healthy eating or follow a vegan, dairy-free or gluten-free diet, you’ll love Farm Girl.

And if you eat everything? Well you’ll probably have a delicious time too.

1 Carnaby St, Soho, London W1F 9QG; open daily;

Brunching in...

Einstein’s breakfast

Serves 1

Time: 15 minutes

A perfect, healthy but hearty breakfast to sustainably fuel the mind ahead of a day of exams, created by qualified nutritionist Libby Limon. The protein from the eggs, the complex carbs from the wholegrain sourdough and the healthy fats from olive oil and avocado mean you will feel fuller and more alert for longer. Combined with brain boosting ingredients such as spinach and asparagus, using both seasonal and organic ingredients will maximise their nutrient potential, while sourdough contains less sugar and uses a slow fermentation process that breaks down gluten, making it much easier on the digestive system than shop-bought sliced bread.

2 eggs (per person)
100g mushrooms
50g spinach
100g asparagus
½ tbsp olive oil 
¼ avocado
1 slice sourdough toast
Black pepper and sea salt 

Beat and season the eggs. Place in the saucepan with half the olive oil, over a very low heat, slowly scramble the eggs by stirring gently regularly until they have silky texture.

Meanwhile, in a separate frying pan, slice the mushrooms and break off the woody ends of the asparagus. Add the rest of the olive oil and cook them off for 4-5mins until soft. Lastly, add in the spinach and allow it to wilt for 30 seconds to a minute. Add seasoning to the vegetables.

Spread the toast with the mashed avocado. Top with the vegetables, pour over the eggs and serve.

Recipe from Farmdrop’s resident nutritionist Libby Limon

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