Deodorant challenge: The social media craze that’s burning children’s skin

The schoolgirl says she did it because “it looks really cool”

Sarah Young
Tuesday 30 May 2017 12:55 BST
Children are burning their own arms repeatedly using an aerosol deodorant
Children are burning their own arms repeatedly using an aerosol deodorant (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A worried mum has spoken out about a dangerous new craze spreading through schools that’s leaving children’s skin covered in burns.

Appearing on ITV’s This Morning with her mum Sara Stanley, schoolgirl Kaitlyn Stanley revealed how she had burned her own arm repeatedly using an aerosol deodorant because “it looks really cool.”

Dubbed the ‘deodorant challenge’ kids across the country are reportedly filming themselves pressing the spray close to the skin and holding it there for as long as possible.

“My friends started doing it. You spray it and then it goes white and it looks really cool so I tried it,” the 12-year-old explained.

When asked by presenter Rylan Clarke-Neil if she realised that she was damaging her skin, Kaitlyn replied “no.”

Deodorant challenge: The social media craze that’s burning children’s skin

He then asked if she was worried that this could potentially damage her skin for life, to which she nodded.

Kaitlyn added that she had “no idea” how many times she had sprayed the aerosol and “didn’t know” how she felt about the way her arm looked now.

Kaitlyn told ITV that she "didn't know" how she felt about the way her arm looks now
Kaitlyn told ITV that she "didn't know" how she felt about the way her arm looks now

Prior to their TV appearance, mum Sara posted an image of her daughter’s burns on Facebook to warn other parents about the school trend.

“Apparently the new craze up bodmin college is the 'deodorant challenge'”, she wrote.

Sara Stanley and her daughter. 12-year-old Kaitlyn Stanley appeared on ITV's This Morning to warn others
Sara Stanley and her daughter. 12-year-old Kaitlyn Stanley appeared on ITV's This Morning to warn others

“I've warned Kaitlyn not to do it again...Just want you all to be aware.”

Other mums responded to the post with similar experiences.

“Yup ... Lili’s done the same...I’ve told her off and told her how stupid it was,” one person wrote.

Another added,” My son did this last year! These stupid crazes do the rounds then disappear for a while then come back. It's such a stupid thing to do!”

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