Chelmsford's men named the least romantic in the UK by wives and girlfriends

40 per cent of women said they’d be lucky to get a card this Valentine’s Day

Sarah Young
Saturday 10 February 2018 11:20 GMT
(Getty Images)

Men from Chelmsford have been named as the least romantic in the UK by their own wives and girlfriends.

The study, which polled 1,500 women in long-term relationships, found that a staggering 79 per cent said their partner was not romantic in the slightest.

Similarly, more than half described their spouse as “useless” when it came to matters of the heart.

But, it’s not just men from the Essex town who are failing to sweep their other half of their feet.

Seventy per cent of women in Leeds complained that their partner was clueless, followed by 69 per cent in Brighton, 68 per cent in Nottingham and 62 per cent in both Glasgow in London.

Those that faired the best in the romance department were men from Bristol with just 49 per cent, and Newcastle and Plymouth at 61 per cent.

The study by Photobox also revealed that the typical British man stops being romantic just six months into their relationship.

And, that almost two thirds of the women said they had never received a love letter from their other half, while four in 10 had never even been brought breakfast bed.

When it came to determining why their spouses were so unromantic, seven in ten blamed their partner’s father, claiming that he was also useless when it came to love.

Likewise, one in twenty believed their partner didn’t like to make grand gestures in case their friends found out and ridiculed them.

However, it seems this lack of romance can prove to be a costly mistake with the data also revealing that 20 per cent of men are dumped by their partner for being unsentimental.

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