Three signs your partner is cheating on you

According to a private investigator

Sarah Young
Monday 20 March 2017 18:17 GMT
Do you suspect that your partner is cheating?
Do you suspect that your partner is cheating? (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Do you suspect that your partner is cheating? Well, listen up because an Australian investigator has shared her techniques for catching a deceitful spouse.

You might have had fears for days, maybe even weeks because however sly cheating partners may be, most of them unknowingly show hints at some point; you just need to know what to look out for.

Honeypotting is the new way both men and women are finding out if their other half is being unfaithful and it’s a method Miss Honey Potter, a private investigator from Brisbane, uses frequently.

Speaking to radio station 97.3FM, the sleuth revealed that there are three signs concerned partners should be vigilant of before employing her services.

“Number one is the mobile phone. If the man is turning away from you and not letting his partner look at the phone or deleting things,” she said.

Miss Honey Potter continues to say the second sign is often when a partner gets caught in a lie about where they have been or where they were going.

The third, she said, was just a feeling that something was amiss.

“You can tell when someone is spending longer hours at work, that's definitely an indicator.

“When they're not coming home from things on time.”

Despite the trapping nature of her job, Miss Honey Potter insists that she never hits on her targets though, instead, she waits to see if they take the bait and approach her.

“Honeypotting is definitely not about trying to purposefully catch these guys out,” she admitted.

“We don't go engaging them in conversation and hitting on them. It's not my job to hit on them, it's my job to go in there and see if they will hit on me.”

But it’s not all bad. Because, while she concedes that the majority of clients are right to question the behaviour of their partners some jobs do have a happy ending.

“There's a lot of jobs where I am able to go back to the woman and give them reassurance and say, “Look, you have someone very nice to me, he brought up in conversation his wife and children”.

'Those guys, I feel like my job is a good thing because I can give those women reassurance they have good men in their life.”

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