Inside Politics: Troops going to Afghanistan and six killed in Plymouth

Fears Kabul could fall within 30 days and police say Plymouth incident not terror-related, writes Matt Mathers

Friday 13 August 2021 08:29 BST
Taliban fighters patrol inside the city of Farah, capital of Farah province southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan, earlier this week
Taliban fighters patrol inside the city of Farah, capital of Farah province southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan, earlier this week (AP)

Silly season. It’s that time of the year again. A “huge cat” has reportedly been spotted lurking in the countryside near Peterborough, sparking fears that a “panther may be on the loose”. Locals claim the creature was “5ft long” and prowling farmland in Rutland. Back in the bubble, chancellor Rishi Sunak insists he’s not stalking down his boss Boris Johnson for the top job, telling broadcasters yesterday he and the PM are “united” on spending pledges. In more serious developments, British troops are being sent to Afghanistan as the Taliban continues to make gains and six people have been shot dead in Plymouth.

Inside the bubble

Parliament is in recess.

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