Peter Armitage to make Corrie return

Bang Showbiz
Monday 01 August 2011 12:43 BST

Peter Armitage is returning to 'Coronation Street'. The veteran actor will see his on screen alter ego Bill Webster come back to Weatherfield in September with partner Pam Hobsowth -whose return was revealed earlier this week - and announce the pair plan to marry.

However, Pam (Kate Anthony) clashes with Bill's son Kevin, unable to forget the affair he had with her late niece Molly Dobbs - and the stress causes her fiance to collapse with a suspected heart attack.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Pam still blames Kevin for Molly's death after the 2010 tram crash and won't allow him anywhere near the wedding. The stress causes Bill to collapse."

Peter has played the role of Bill on and off since 1984. Peter and Kate's characters were axed from the show last year but producer Phil Collinson is said to have had a "change of heart" and decided to bring their on screen alter egos back from travelling.

The characters may have been brought back following the recent backlash against the soap, which has been criticised for unrealistic storylines and letting older characters take a back seat. One unnamed cast member said recently: "Things have not been going smoothly for a while and there is a growing discontent amongst some of the cast. Even some of the crew can't believe where the show is going. There is a talk of a clear-the-air meeting with the producer, he is a strong-minded individual who sticks to his guns once he has made his mind up about something."

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