Red Nose Day Actually: Hugh Grant will dance again in Love Actually sequel despite hating it the first time around

It's all in the name of charity, after all

Jacob Stolworthy
Tuesday 14 March 2017 12:46 GMT

Richard Curtis has made no secret of the fact that Hugh Grant detested being made to dance in one of the most memorable scenes from Love Actually. It's a surprise then to learn that the British filmmaker has convinced him to do it again for the upcoming Comic Relief sequel.

Co-star Martine McCutcheon, who has reprised her role of Natalie for the charity follow-up, revealed the news to TV Times, saying: “[The character of Prime Minister David] does some dancing again but Hugh was dreading it."

The 2003 film's famous scene sees Grant's PM dancing to The Pointer Sisters hit “Jump (For My Love)." Just last year, Curtis told The Daily Beast that the actor "...was hugely grumpy about it."

“I was just really excited to work with Hugh again because we've become friends, we've stayed in touch. He has given me advice and we still text each other.”

The first trailer for the reunion was released yesterday (13 March) showing Andrew Lincoln's character Mark up to his old tricks holding signs outside the house of Kiera Knightley's Juliet.

The 15-minute sequel, officially titled Red Nose Day Actually, will reunite much of the film's original cast, including Grant, McCutcheon, Lincoln, Knightley, Colin Firth, Lucia Moniz, Liam Neeson, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Olivia Olson, Bill Nighy, Marcus Brigstocke, and Rowan Atkinson.

Sadly, Curtis confirmed that Emma Thompson - who played Karen in the original - won't be appearing as it's too soon after the death of her co-star Alan Rickman.

Red Nose Day, also known as Comic Relief, will air 24 March on BBC One, and the following day in the US.

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