Empire showrunner Lee Daniels reveals cast's 'anger and sadness' over Jussie Smollett incident

'We really don't know how to deal with it'

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 21 March 2019 09:50 GMT
Jussie Smollett arrives at Chicago courthouse

Lee Daniels, the creator of the television show Empire, has spoken about the cast's "anger and sadness" over the Jussie Smollett incident.

Smollett has been removed from the final episodes of season five amid allegations of lying to police over an alleged assault.

The 36-year-old actor is accused of hiring two men to stage a racist and homophobic attack on him in downtown Chicago on January 29. He has denied 16 counts of disorderly conduct in court.

Daniels shared a video to Instagram ahead of Empire's return and said the period since Smollett's arrest had been a "rollercoaster".

"Me and my cast have experienced pain, anger, sadness and frustration, and really don't know how to deal with it," he said.

The first episode of Empire was filmed "prior to the incident", Daniels revealed, adding that the show was made "to bring America together, to talk about the atrocities that are happening right now on the streets".

Chicago police allege Smollett organised the attack as a publicity stunt because he was unhappy with his salary on Empire.

Smollett denies the accusations and is scheduled to appear in court again on 17 April.

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