Demi Lovato calls Lizzo a ‘f***ing queen’ for correcting photographer who misgendered them

‘Demi goes by they,’ singer told paparazzo

Isobel Lewis
Friday 02 July 2021 08:56 BST
Demi Lovato talks about coming out as nonbinary and acceptance of their gender pronouns

Demi Lovato has called Lizzo a “f***ing queen” for correcting a photographer who misgendered them.

In May, the former Disney Channel star announced that they identified as non-binary and would be using they/them pronouns going forward.

In a viral clip filmed earlier this week, a paparazzo is heard questioning Lizzo whether she plans to perform with Lovato while incorrectly using “her” pronouns to describe them.

“We don’t got a song together,” Lizzo responds, with the photographer then asking: “Would you do something though?”

“If we had a song together,” the “Truth Hurts” singer replied, before stopping to take a photo with a fan.

The paparazzo once again asked if Lizzo had a message for Lovato, repeating his misgendering of the singer.

“They,” she corrected him. “‘Have their team contacted you?’ Demi goes by they.”

Lovato reshared the clip to their Instagram Story on Thursday (1 July) night, writing: “@lizzobeeating you f***ing queen I love you. Thank you.”

Demi thanked Lizzo for her support
Demi thanked Lizzo for her support (Demi Lovato/Instagram)

Explaining how they had come to re-examine their gender identity in their original post, Lovato wrote: “Over the past year and a half I’ve been doing some healing and self-reflective work, and through this work I’ve had this revelation that I identify as non-binary.

“With that said, I’ll officially be changing my pronouns to ‘they/them’. I feel that this best represents the fluidity that I feel in my gender expression, and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am, and still am discovering.”

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