Rationale unveils video for his stunning single 'Deliverance' - premiere

Roisin O'Connor
Wednesday 10 May 2017 12:55 BST

Rationale's most recent single 'Deliverance' felt like a massive step up.

The song is this exquisite moment of calm, that explores the aftermath of a broken relationship and how the narrator doesn't want to let go, despite all the hurt caused.

That beautiful gospel chorus thrown in on the word 'happier' adds to themes of an almost-religious worship someone can feel for the person they love.

We're premiering the video which accompanies the music perfectly - check it out (above).

Q&A with Rationale

What are you listening to at the moment?

I'm listening to Kendrick Lemar's new album “Damn” on repeat at the moment. Its brilliant! I love the way he's upped his game record by record.

What are your plans for the rest of 2017?

I'm really looking forward to playing my first Glastonbury and Ibiza Rocks festivals. There's also the small matter of finishing and releasing my debut album! It's been a long time coming.

What was the first gig you ever played and what’s been the best so far?

The first gig I ever played was YOYO's at the Notting Hill Arts Club. No bigger than my bedroom to be honest but it was incredible.... I then proceeded to get very drunk with Example. He probably wont remember that.

The best gig I've played in the UK has to be the O2 Arena in London supporting Bastille, twice! They don't come more memorable than that really.

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