Cultural Life: Fyfe Dangerfield, Musician

Charlotte Cripps
Friday 09 May 2008 00:00 BST

I start so many books and then get distracted. I've just read The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. It is the story of Jean-Dominique Bauby, who wrote the book by blinking the letters of the alphabet because he was paralysed everywhere else. It is strange how uplifting it is to read – it makes you appreciate the small things in life. The other book I've read is The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It is about the end of the world, and describes a journey taken by a father and son. As post-apocalyptic survivors, they wander through America. It's quite a long book but is aimless because what are they walking towards? They are walking to stay alive. Both of these books get to the root of what it means to be alive.

I saw the black-and-white animated film Persepolis; I still don't know why it is called that. It follows the life of a young Iranian girl during the Islamic Revolution. It looks like a kids' cartoon but is very powerful and rooted in reality. I also saw two films by Lynne Ramsay: Ratcatcher and Morvern Callar. Ratcatcher is pretty depressing, about a kid growing up on a poor Scottish council estate. Morvern Callar is a little more humorous.

I saw Lambchop's Kurt Wagner performing solo; it was beautiful. He has this rich baritone voice and plays guitar. I've been listening to his solo record Kurt loads ever since. With these wonderful lyrics and deep voice, it sounds like late summer evenings. I've also been listening to Leonard Cohen's Songs from a Room, but I want to get back into electronic music, to lose myself in songs like "Nannou" by Aphex Twin. I really like Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' new album, Dig!!! Lazarus Dig!!!. It's irreverent, loud and unpolished. I also like beach house – more relaxed, lazy music.

Visual arts
I find it hard going to art galleries because I find it a cold environment. I feel as if I am being watched for a reaction. That's why I liked the Louise Bourgeois exhibition at Tate Modern – it gave you a more intimate environment to wander round in.

The Guillemots' new single 'Falling Out of Reach' is out on 26 May on Universal

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