Caro share video for 'Eyes on the Ground' - premiere

Band do their own artwork, videos, writing, production and mixing

Roisin O'Connor
Music Correspondent
Tuesday 12 September 2017 10:34 BST

Leeds-based artists Caro have shared their slightly unnerving video for “Eyes on the Ground”, a song which deals with the idea of “guilt by association” - something that seems highly relevant given Munroe Bergdorf's recent comments.

They're a talented trio - the guys do their own artwork and videos, along with writing, production and mixing. For a new band the result is really quite impressive, and highly original.

Singer Adam explains of the track: “It's about the guilt associated with an indifference to social injustices that don't directly affect you and how that indifference and lack of taking any action or even speaking out against it is basically a compliance with anyone who's causing it in the first place.”

Check out the video premiere for "Eyes on the Ground" below:

Q&A with Caro

What are you listening to at the moment?

Right now I've really just got the new Grizzly Bear album 'Painted Ruins' on repeat, I've been waiting for it for ages and it hasn't disappointed. Really looking forward to the new St Vincent album too.

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Our plans for 2017 so far include a tour around the UK in October, as well as releasing more music and videos. We enjoy making the videos ourselves when we have time, we’ve tried stop motion and claymation so far.

What was the first gig you ever played and what's been the best so far?

Our first gig was a very impromptu performance in Leeds at a bar called New Conservatory, someone dropped out and we got asked to play on the afternoon of the show, I remember being pretty ill but still up for it cause we'd been wanting to a play a show for a while.

One of the best shows I think was playing The Great Escape in Brighton this year. We had already played a show in a crowded little pub earlier in the day that went well, and then we got to play the BBC Introducing stage in the fancy Paganini Ballroom, which was a lot of fun.

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