Readers review: Source Code (12A)

Thursday 07 April 2011 00:00 BST

"Despite the potential boredom in the character reliving the same eight minutes, I was surprised how quickly the end of the film seemed to come. Don't go looking for something deep, just go along for the 90-minute ride. Good value, good-looking entertainment."

Nicola Waugh

"Reminds me of 12 Monkeys."

Lee Adams

"I thought it was fascinating, but keeping up with the plot and its implications was a bit like playing three-dimensional chess. Also, Christina (played by Michelle Monaghan) was described as being 28 years old. Who was she trying to kid?"

Chris Thomas

"Saw it last night with my wife, who does not like sci-fi. We both came out agreeing that it is a great romance movie with a sprinkling of science. We were hooked right from the first eight minutes. Then the next and the next. It is amazing that the director is able to keep the audience hooked through a story that keeps repeating. The ending was a step too far for my wife. I spent the journey home teaching her quantum physics. A great date-night movie."

Martin Ng

"Struck me as the kind of thing Philip K. Dick used to come up with, only the couple would be married and addicted. I give it a five."

Hortense Dryburgh

"It's a good thing he is not directing under his original name, Zowie Bowie, as it might just all sound too strange."

Sam Kit

"I thought this was terrific fun, even if I'm not sure I fully understood the weird quantum physics that runs through the plot. It's a full-on action thriller with a nod to Groundhog Day and a romantic comedy, too – it rushes on with great pace. I'm no particular fan of Jake Gyllenhaal – since Donnie Darko I've always thought he's been a bit dull – but I really enjoyed him in this. And it's also got the gorgeous Vera Farmiga – what's not to like?"

Nick Jones

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