The Mummy helps Tom Cruise score new box-office record

While flopping in the US, China has helped keep the Dark Universe afloat

Jack Shepherd
Monday 12 June 2017 09:36 BST

After being obliterated by critics, Tom Cruise’s star power couldn’t save The Mummy as the first instalment in the Dark Universe franchise plummeted in the US, taking just $32.2 million from 4,035 locations.

Wonder Woman — which opened last weekend — managed to retain a significant hold, taking $57.2 million, marking only a 45 percent drop weekend-to-weekend, better than every superhero debut since Spider-Man.

Despite the disappointing US turnout, the international market has saved The Mummy from being a complete disaster, particularly in China.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film opened to $52.2 million in the country over the weekend, marking a career high launch for Cruise.

However, due to poor critical reception and fan response — Chinese ticketing platform Weying has audiences scored the film 6.6/10 — The Mummy is expected to drop off quickly.

Meanwhile, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman fell to second as a result, taking $13.3 million and taking the film’s total gross in China to $70 million.

The superhero flick holds an 8.5 on Weying, while recently released Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge has 8.7.

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