Peter Dinklage: Donald Trump Jr launches bizarre attack on actor over criticism of ‘backward’ Snow White remake

‘Game of Thrones’ actor had called remake ‘f***ing backward’

Namita Singh
Wednesday 26 January 2022 07:34 GMT
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Donald Trump Jr has attacked Peter Dinklage for criticising Disney’s “f***ing backward” remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

The Game of Thrones star hit out at the reboot in a recent podcast interview, where he slammed Disney for falling back on a story based on damaging stereotypes surrounding dwarfism, calling out double standards in the film industry.

“You’re progressive in one way and you’re still making that f***ing backwards story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together, what the f*** are you doing man?” Dinklage said

While Disney has responded to the criticism from Dinklage saying they “are consulting with members of the dwarfism community” for the project, Trump Jr was not happy with the actor’s comments

On Tuesday (25 January), the politician shared a New York Post story headlined “Disney rethinking Snow White after Peter Dinklage calls out use of dwarves”.

“Lol… This is getting so ridiculous,” Trump Jr tweeted.

“Also, it seems he was fine with the dwarf jokes in GOT. I guess it’s all good as long as you’re getting paid? Disney consulting gig coming Spring 2022.”

His comments were met with a backlash from Twitter users defending Dinklage’s defence.

“You obviously did not read the article and don’t understand the title of the film,” wrote one follower.

The controversy took off when the actor, while discussing the concept of “wokeness” on the latest episode of the WTF with Marc Maron podcast, made his comments about the live-action remake, which will star Rachel Zegler as the princess.

“I was a little taken aback when they were very proud to cast a Latina actress as Snow White,” he said.

“You’re still telling the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Take a step back and look at what you’re doing there. It makes no sense to me.

Responding to the criticism, Disney said: “To avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community.”

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