Ghostbusters reboot: Paul Feig confirms Slimer will not feature in upcoming film after IMDB claimed otherwise

The director wrote on Twitter: 'Gotta unconfirm that one'

Jack Shepherd
Monday 16 November 2015 12:41 GMT

Unfortunately, the Ghostbusters reboot cast just got a little smaller as director Paul Feig denied the famous green ghost Slimer will feature in the upcoming film.

News broke from Bloody Disgusting - an online film blog that specialises in all things horror - that the ectoplasm creature would feature in film, leading to Slimer’s voice actor Dan Castellaneta being added to the film’s IMDB page.

Feig debunked the news through Twitter, writing: “Sorry, gang. That IMDB credit is not true. Gotta unconfirm that one.”

The upcoming reboot, which features an all-female Ghostbusting team, will feature cameos from a number of characters from the original, including Bill Murray, Sigourney Weaver and Dan Aykroyd.

The film will star Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, along with Chris Hemsworth who will star as the group's secretary.

Plot details remain unconfirmed at this stage, but Wiig and McCarthy are reported to be playing "unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real" and go by the names Erin Gilbert and Abby Bergman.

McKinnon stars as Bergman's new partner Jillian Holtzmann, while Jones is NYC subway worker Patty Tolan, who unexpectedly meets the movie's biggest supernatural threat.

Feig has previously shared photos of the new uniforms, proton packs and car on Twitter and will likely keep teasing fans right up until next summer, when Ghostbusters reaches UK cinemas on 15 July

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