Egyptian reporter who asked Leonardo DiCaprio awkward question at the Oscars has apologised

'I have sinned against myself and my country'

Jack Shepherd
Monday 07 March 2016 18:02 GMT
Leonardo DiCaprio fields cringe-worthy question from reporter following his Oscar win

After Leonardo DiCarpio finally won his Oscar, he went backstage to the press room to answer a couple of questions from eager journalists, all begging to ask The Revenant star something.

Unfortunately for one woman, the microphone was passed to her and nerves - it seemed - got the better of her: “I am the first Egyptian journalist covering the Oscars from here,” she asked. “And that’s about the first Oscar for you?”

An awkward silence fell over the crowd before DiCaprio stepped in: “I’m sorry, what was your question?” Watch the event above as I doubt words can really do it justice.

That reporter was Abdel Moneim, who works for the Youm7 TV network, and she quickly became a meme online, with many people poking fun at her.

After a week of staying silent, she apologised on Facebook while also describing how that one question had affected her entire life, even affecting her family.

“I have sinned against myself and my country,” she wrote, as translated by Cairo Post. “I also wronged the paper that trusted me … and let down readers who wanted stronger coverage.

“I received an opportunity and missed it because of my lack of experience, and in the confusion of the moment I found myself just steps away from realising my dream.

“I can get over the humiliation and criticism of my performance, but the personal insults have affected my husband, daughter, and family.

“I promise that this experience is a lesson I will not forget… and it has taught me that being a good journalist will require hard work,” adding the criticism will push her to “develop myself and work hard to cover the Oscars next year.”

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